Just a picture of how it should be.

I was a part of something this past Saturday that moved me emotionally in a powerful way. My oldest granddaughter (Kennedy) got married. She is on a journey that has impressed all the family. To say that I’m proud of her would be an understatement. At twenty-six years old, she’s experienced some daunting challenges in her short life. I’ll not go into those. I will say though that she’s navigated them well and her academic career is proof of that. She graduated college with honors, matriculated graduate school in like manner, and is now, in law school, performing according to the exacting standards she always sets for herself.

Having just finished her first year of law school, this little powerhouse is about to embark on an externship with one of the top law firms in our state; while doing this, she’ll somehow continue to conduct cheerleading workshops, which she’s done since graduating college. She was a top cheerleader with the University of Arkansas athletic department during her college years. I could go on about the successes of my darling granddaughter; however, I don’t want to forget the primary reason I’m penning this piece. Please look at the picture below. It’s a photo of a bunch of folks on both my family and her new husband’s (Daniel’s) family taken after they exchanged wedding vows. This photo speaks volumes of how thing have changed since I was my granddaughter’s age. The diversity in this picture portrays an image of how the world should be. You may call me naive, but I still believe a picture speaks a thousand words.

I’m old and blessed…hope you will be too.

7 thoughts on “ Just a picture of how it should be.

  1. JLem May 23, 2024 / 9:47 am

    Oldandblessed, you’re not being naive at all. Coming up in the south, as you did, I see the prophecy. This very image was prophesied by a young man, not too much older than your granddaughter. When you have so many people fighting or turning a blind eye to evolution, it’s hard to see what’s in plain sight. Live To Live!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. catterel May 23, 2024 / 3:55 pm

    This is a wonderful family gathering – Be blessed, all of you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. marianbeaman May 24, 2024 / 9:37 am

    You do have bragging rights with such an accomplished grand-daughter like Kennedy. And you have a wonderful, diverse family gathering too.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. rangewriter May 24, 2024 / 8:01 pm

    Wow! What an impressive young woman. And a remarkable and diverse tribe. You deserve to be busting the buttons off your shirt in pride.


  5. Autumn Brewer May 26, 2024 / 11:57 pm

    I love to see a blended family 😍 My name is Autumn Marie Brewer, I’m Mr. Daniel Beards cousin. Just wanted to say how beautiful it is. Hope you’re all having a a blessed year!! 🎊

    Liked by 1 person

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